Choosing to Use Technology

After being both an instructor and student in a time of advanced technology, I’ve come to believe that technology is quite the double-edged sword. Compare technology to roommates or box cutters if you will: both can go from helpful to horrible in a matter of minutes. But what’s so helpful and what’s so horrible about Read More…

You’ve Got the Power!

Why Plain Language? How important is plain language and how big are its effects? Well, Kira Dreher at the Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar says, ““Plain language may offer an important strategy for advancing social justice, but if used shallowly, it may deflect attention from vulnerable audience groups or other issues of access, and it Read More…


Social media is so many things. It’s interaction, communication, fun, games, creation, friendship, and SO. Much. More. Here’s one more (maybe controversial)  thing to add to the list: social media is advocacy.  Let’s back up–I just threw so many words into those sentences and maybe I need to provide a little bit more of an Read More…