The Great Garby

In my undergraduate and more nerdy days, a piece of advice my professor gave me has been turning over in my mind ever since, “For the last time. No! You cannot pick your groups, and if you ask me again, I will fail you Garby.” These were hard times, especially since Garby wasn’t my name. Read More…

Talking Head (Talking Heads- Once in a Lifetime) For my 3rd consecutive semester, my teaching fellowship has centered upon conveying the professional identity within the Technical Communication classroom. Unlike previous semesters, the classroom polices outlined in the syllabus are explained in severe detail from the first day of class. I project the syllabus on a big Read More…

Reshape your classroom for inclusion

Dr. April Baker-Bell’s Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy uses a methodical and brilliant rhetorical analysis to address the inequalities within the classroom. Dr. Baker-Bell’s  chapters  “Black language is good on any MLK Boulevard” & “What’s Anti-Blackness Got to Do Wit It?” center around the themes of “white mainstream English” deprives students of Read More…

Visual Rhetoric

Thinking back to my undergraduate days, I was reflecting on the lessons my teachers tried to impart on me. The one that stands out as common and reinforced in 4 years of study was, “Most forms of human communication are non-verbal.” Body language can tell you a whole story without words. Professors stared into a Read More…

Hidden; Not Invisible

Imagine you’re entering into a new job and it’s your first day of work. The Human Resources Rep. hands you a hefty employee handbook, a list of so many dos and don’ts. The obvious ones to you, could be oblivious to others. The hidden arguments within the company book will only be implied to actual Read More…