AI: Friend or Foe?

When digital art was first emerging as a discipline, there was a lot of fear mongering about it and many concerns were raised about digital art supplanting traditional art. Those who were staunchly against digital art branded it as a lazy way out, due to the widely held view that software programs such as Photoshop Read More…

Using Ai to Teach Science Communications 

In Professional Writing for Healthcare: Writing & Revising Research Summaries with Artificial Intelligence Heidi Mckee shares a writing assignment she designed for her Professional Writing for Healthcare course which she taught at the University of Miami. Mckee cites the goals of the assignment as “to provide opportunities for students to learn about writing research summaries Read More…

Technophobia – AI in the Classroom

Technophobia is a very real phenomenon in academia. The fear of new technological innovations has permeated almost all academic institutions at one time or another. Concerns about the negative impacts of early word processing and email programs prompted studies when it was first heavily incorporated into academic environments and workplaces in the 1990’s. Similarly, the Read More…

AI; Who is it really helping, anyway?

When it comes to AI, my brain first goes to AI art. Then it goes to “God, I hate AI.”.  As someone who has drawn for well over 14+ years, the idea of someone generating some half-baked dinosaur with arms that look just a little too uncanny valley and making millions off of it rubs Read More…

Technology In The Classroom; A Helping Hand.

Being my first semester here teaching, but not my first time teaching students, I think I can say that I still have a lot to learn- and that group communication and help has been something I’ve really relied on, especially here at UMass. From getting advice from other Teaching Fellows to even other professors in Read More…

Choosing to Use Technology

After being both an instructor and student in a time of advanced technology, I’ve come to believe that technology is quite the double-edged sword. Compare technology to roommates or box cutters if you will: both can go from helpful to horrible in a matter of minutes. But what’s so helpful and what’s so horrible about Read More…