Including Advocacy in a Technical Writing Classroom

Advocacy: noun public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy. “their advocacy of traditional family values”   Advocacy is influencing through communication.    In her chapter on Social Media and Advocacy in the Technical and Professional Communication Classroom., author Sarah Warren-Riley encourages TPC instructors to teach their students the importance of advocacy Read More…


Social media is so many things. It’s interaction, communication, fun, games, creation, friendship, and SO. Much. More. Here’s one more (maybe controversial)  thing to add to the list: social media is advocacy.  Let’s back up–I just threw so many words into those sentences and maybe I need to provide a little bit more of an Read More…

Make Room For Discomfort

— That universal question: “Am I doing enough to challenge my students’ perspectives without making them too uncomfortable?”  April Baker-Bell and Jessica Edwards remind us (in Linguistic Justice and “Inclusive Practices in the Technical Communication Classroom” from Citizenship and Advocacy in Technical Communication: Scholarly and Pedagogical Perspectives, respectively) that educators are still actively ironing-out the Read More…

Reshape your classroom for inclusion

Dr. April Baker-Bell’s Linguistic Justice: Black Language, Literacy, Identity, and Pedagogy uses a methodical and brilliant rhetorical analysis to address the inequalities within the classroom. Dr. Baker-Bell’s  chapters  “Black language is good on any MLK Boulevard” & “What’s Anti-Blackness Got to Do Wit It?” center around the themes of “white mainstream English” deprives students of Read More…

Diverse Voices in Our Classrooms

With such diverse students, we should be considering the inclusion of diversity in our curriculum. In Jessica Edwards’ chapter on Inclusive Practices in the Technical Communication Classroom, she analyzes three of Nelson Laird’s nine-category approach to a diverse classroom: foundational perspectives, content, and pedagogy. For the purpose of this blog post, I would like to Read More…

Gatekeeping Diversity

Diversity is a pretty word. A band-aid word. A word meant to be helpful, hopeful in the face of words like ‘intolerance’ or ‘bigotry.’ It is also, unfortunately, a word that rings hollow to many educators entangled in an endless web of guidelines, permissions, and considerations. This is not to say, however, that inclusive pedagogy Read More…