Bridging Gaps in Group Work

Group work and collaboration are buzz words for almost every job on the market right now, but not all industries center writing and communication in the same way that we do as technical communicators. So, how do we expose students in the sciences (for example) to the multifaceted topic of collaboration? In chapter 9 of Read More…

Hidden; Not Invisible

Imagine you’re entering into a new job and it’s your first day of work. The Human Resources Rep. hands you a hefty employee handbook, a list of so many dos and don’ts. The obvious ones to you, could be oblivious to others. The hidden arguments within the company book will only be implied to actual Read More…

Queering Student Participation

How does a classroom build around the identities of it’s queer students? “Queering Student Participation: Whispers, Echoes, Rants, and Memory,” by Matthew Cox explores the way in which queer idenitfying student’s classroom experience is impacted by their identity.

queering participation

  Embedded in “queer” is the notion of disruption, so what does this mean for participation and our relationship to it as instructors? What does it mean to be “queer”? In “Queering Student Participation: Whispers, Echoes, Rants, and Memory,” Matthew Cox defines queer in two main ways: first, as a catch-all term for anyone who’s LBGT; Read More…